Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Air Pollution in Almaty Essays
Air Pollution in Almaty Essays Air Pollution in Almaty Paper Air Pollution in Almaty Paper who gave Very different answers. In the beginning of the survey, the Interviewers elicited from the respondent information about their driving habits and their vehicles as well as the degree to which air pollution bothers them. Then it was necessary to convey to the respondent a great deal of information about the pollution fees: information about the features of the basic plan, such as the technology and uses of the revenues. In order to keep the respondent engaged in the interview process, resented this information to respondents in questions of the form, Suppose dirty cars paid a higher rate than cleaner cars. Would you be more or less likely to support the fee policy? Structured interview were carried out to gain a more qualitative picture of the current situation of the transport system and air conditions in the city. The results of the questionnaires are presented first, followed by the quantitative results of the structured interview. Questionnaires were distributed among 20 students from SKIMP, who have cars, from September 25th to October 14th. Ten of the participants are male ND ten are female. All participants ranged from 18-22 years in age. In the survey there were 6 closed questions with multiple choice answers, but to know the individual approach of the person I made the last choice as your answer to the most questions. So the first question was: Are you satisfied with the condition of air in Alma? 63 % of students answered that they were not satisfied, while the rest answered yes. This proves that most Of people recognize their home air quality problems. The second question was about what is the major cause of air pollution in Alma. The majority of exponents (78%) agreed that vehicles contribute to pollution and that vehicle emissions are harmful to human health. The third question was: Do you see any success in implementation of transport programs to reduce air pollution in the city? Opinions were divided equally. Less than 50 percent agreed, but 54 percent of students claimed that the entire available budget didnt return to the public. The fourth question was about the cause of failure of these programs. Approximately 52% do not believe that taxes are spent wisely, 30% of respondents considered that the cause of this were corruption r stealing government money by civil servants, and 18 % of respondents answered that they did not think about it before and they do not care about it . The fifth question: M/hat must be done to make the ecological situation of Alma better? There must be much more green plants in the city (36%). The number of cars must be reduced (24%). The traffic must be limited (20%) We can do nothing already (13%). O not know (7%). The sixth question, can you use public transport as an alternative to using private car? 87% of students said no, the rest yes. It is obvious that there are no good alternatives to using ears. People are selfish and for them comfort comes above all else. However for the same question but with addition point, the results of answers were definitely different. Can you use pu blic transport as an alternative to using a private car? (if government improves the condition of public transport, and the prices increase, because of the cost of changes in quality) 72 % answered no, the rest responded yes. As internet makes our life easier to communicate, I conducted the flogger interview by asking questions related to my topic to Alma Deputy Akin (Mayor) Victor Telephoned. Victor Telephoned is a Deputy Akin of Alma since April 2008. He is at age 63 and has 44 years of work experience in building and construction management. First of all, I sent him a letter where I introduced myself and briefly explained my reason for writing. Then I asked interesting questions related to my topic. The office of Deputy Mayor quickly sent some answers to my questions. However in my opinion answers were quite formal. The first question was concerning the increasing number of cars in the city. There are currently more than 500,000 vehicles registered in Alma. What actions have been ken by local authorities to reduce this number? Doltishness answer was that on 1 July 201 1 the government of Astrakhan established preferential tariffs on the import of cars by individuals for personal use. In other words, the new law indicates that taxes on import cars have been increased. And certainly it leads to decreasing number of import cars. Then interviewee answered on the second question that was about new transport programs in Alma. Telephoned responded that they strengthened control over the quality of motor fuel, emission standards and technical inspection of vehicles ND improved transport infrastructure to reduce automobiles burden on the city. He stated : In the last 3 years alone, 7 new interchanges, tunnels, and the first section of Eastern bypass were built. And works in these directions will continue. When Telephoned was asked a question about the quality of air in the city, he explained that they plan to purchase 200 modern trolleybuses, launch a large-scale project on creation of light rail system through a mechanism of state- private partnership. In addition, the interviewee showed his strong position in favor of using natural gas by transport vehicles: There are 200 uses working on compressed natural gas, 50 of which serve the city routes have been already purchased. After this response, I was most concerned about the use of natural gas instead of diesel fuel. So the next question was how they plan to implement this transport strategy. The mayor explained that the mayors office intends to economically encourage owners Of private cars to use natural gas. He stated: Legal persons, buying gas instead of diesel fuel pay half less. One can count himself: the cost of using gas is 14. 85 tinge per one km. At the same time at using diesel fuel one has to pay 24. 4 tinge, and 29 tinge if your car works on gasoline. Obviously, the natural gas has advantage. However Alma has a weak transport policy which favors automobiles rather than public transport. And it is clear that if people used their cars less this would help to prevent the greenhouse effect. So the next question I asked the deputy akin was when conditions of the public transport will improve. Because it is no secret how many problems drivers of private passenger vehicles make on the roads. In addition, there are still a lot of complaints about the quality of passenger service, rude inductors and the unsightly appearance of the buses. On this question the mayor claims that Traffic Police Department of Internal Affairs regularly conduct raids to detect and prevent violations of passengers and traffic rules by drivers of public transport. By finding facts police impose administrative fines, and not only for drivers but also for managers and executives of enterprises and carriers. Road safety engineering courses and customer service trainings are held daily with the drivers of public transport in the city. In conclusion, despite intense regulatory efforts to reduce vehicle emissions ever the past twenty years, emissions from vehicles continue to be major source of air pollution problems in the financial capital of Astrakhan. By surveying local people from Alma about vehicle pollution, it was clear that people who have become too reliant on cars can cause many problems. Moreover, what Object to is that the view Of Deputy Mayor about success the implementation of transport strategies particularly does not coincide with opinions of students. However, it is important to mention that the levels of us port transport strategies by students were significantly affected by the design features of plans. The survey results clearly indicate that good structured transport strategies and introducing pollution fees on motor vehicles in Alma can attract majority public support. The results also indicate where support and opposition to these plans may be found to aid in targeting publicity and informational campaigns. Finally, I think examination of these statistical results may be useful in the development of pollution fee programs to present to the public. Chapter 5 Conclusion The main objectives Of this project were to discover the causes Of a weak transport policy in Alma. As was described in survey chapter, research indicates that urban planning is a new trend in city programmer, which will help to develop Alma as a multicultural city and thus to reduce travel distance. These programmer also include buses working on gas and blouses. However, there is a concern over whether the political power will be strong enough to implement this long term task. By surveying local people from Alma about vehicles pollution, it was clear that people became too reliant on car that can cause many problems. Moreover, the view of Deputy Mayor about success implementation of transport strategies particularly does not coincide with opinions of students. However, it is important to mention that the levels of support transport strategies by students were significantly affected by the design features of plans. Reading different articles found out that road pricing is an essential part of any solution. Take for example case in London, congestion charging was introduced in order to reduce traffic congestion, and despite some weaknesses and high costs the scheme has achieved its main targets reduce of air pollution. Second solution is the development of strong public transport as an alternative travel mode to the car. And third solution is investment of all venues from the pricing scheme in the transport sector. However, Alma is an city from developing economy, the implementation of road pricing in a city with poor public transport and a bureaucratic and ineffective taxation policy would not bring desirable effects in congestion and urban pollution reduction problems. Therefore all we need to do to reduce the problem is simply to be less wasteful. People can make less air pollution just by doing every day small things like drive less, more walk or use the bike. One can say it will definitely improve the protection of the environment as well as human health.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
2015 SAT Scores By State
2015 SAT Scores By State à Approximately 1.7 million students took the SAT in 2015 and the test scores varied greatly according to things like gender, ethnicity and even household income. (If you want to see that report, you can check it out here.) Its interesting, however, to see how students fared on the SAT according to their home state. The data below represents how students fared on the exam inà yourà neck of the woods.à SAT Score Note Currently, theà Redesigned SAT uses a scale with a high of 1600. There are two chief areas that receive a score out of 800: Math and Evidence-Based Reading and Writing. Those two scores are added to get the total.à Please keep in mind that the scores reported in 2015 (those below) are based on the former SAT scoring scale, which had an absolute maximum of 2400. The former test added the Writing, Mathematics and Critical Reading sections, which had maximum scores of 800, to achieve a total score out of 2400. The national average in 2015 was a 1497, so as you can see, many states outperformed the average by significant numbers. Overall:à 1497Critical Reading:à 495Mathematics:à 511Writing:à 484 2015 SAT Scores By State State Average SAT Score Out of 2400 Critial Reading Score Mathematics Score Writing Score Alabama 1616 545 538 533 Alaska 1494 509 503 482 Arizona 1552 523 527 502 Arkansas 1688 568 569 551 California 1492 495 506 491 Colorado 1736 582 587 567 Connecticut 1514 504 506 504 Delaware 1368 462 461 445 District of Columbia 1313 441 440 432 Florida 1434 486 480 468 Georgia 1450 490 485 475 Hawaii 1472 487 508 477 Idaho 1372 467 463 442 Illinois 1802 599 616 587 Indiana 1473 496 499 478 Iowa 1755 589 600 566 Kansas 1748 588 592 568 Kentucky 1749 588 587 574 Louisiana 1675 563 559 563 Maine 1392 468 473 451 Maryland 1462 491 493 478 Massachusetts 1552 516 529 507 Michigan 1788 594 609 585 Minnesota 1778 595 607 576 Mississippi 1713 580 563 570 Missouri 1777 596 599 582 Montana 1655 561 556 538 Nebraska 1755 589 590 576 Nevada 1458 494 494 470 New Hampshire 1566 525 530 511 New Jersey 1520 500 521 499 New Mexico 1623 551 544 528 New York 1469 489 502 478 North Carolina 1478 498 504 476 North Dakota 1791 597 608 586 Ohio 1657 557 563 537 Oklahoma 1693 576 569 548 Oregon 1546 523 521 502 Pennsylvania 1485 499 504 482 Rhode Island 1472 494 494 484 South Carolina 1442 488 487 467 South Dakota 1753 592 597 564 Tennessee 1723 581 574 568 Texas 1410 470 486 454 Utah 1708 579 575 554 Vermont 1554 523 524 507 Virginia 1533 518 516 499 Washington 1496 502 510 484 West Virginia 1501 509 497 495 Wisconsin 1771 591 605 575 Wyoming 1737 589 586 562 à Should You Take the SAT?à If your SAT scores were significantly lower than those reported by your fellow test-takers, perhaps it would have been better for you take the ACT exam. Although they are both college admissions tests, they differ greatly in both the content, and strategies you should use while studying and taking the tests. Heres a simple, ten-question quiz to help you determine whether or not you may fare better on one or the other.à How to Prepare for the SAT So, you took the quiz and realize that you did, indeed, take the correct college admissions exam. The bad news? You did not adequately prepare for this bad boy, so you did not get the SAT scores that you were really hoping to achieve. Well, here is some good news for you. A little bit of prep work goes a very long way when it comes to SAT prep, and you can choose a variety of ways to get ready. Here are a few of the best ways to get studying so that next time around, you do not get a bad SAT score. The Best SAT BooksSAT Tutoring OptionsSAT Apps Worth The DownloadFree SAT Practice Tests
Thursday, November 21, 2019
International Human Rights Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
International Human Rights Law - Essay Example The concept of international protection of individual rights was expressly recognized in the San Francisco Conference (1945). The United Nations Charter also imposed human rights obligations on all member states, pursuant to which the General Assembly approved the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948). These international documents show the desire of the international community to recognize individuals as partial subjects of international law. Although the Universal Declaration is not a legally binding document, several states have voluntarily included in their national constitutions and domestic legislations most of its provisions. The Nuremberg trials and the Genocide Convention have uprooted the idea that a government could do its wishes to its citizens within its jurisdiction. Significant progress was made in direct and effective protection for the individual, his status and legal personality, legalising human rights and basic freedoms through the adoption of international and regional conventions and mechanisms for the purpose and allowing the individuals to file claims and complaints in the case these conventions were violated. Because international human rights law refers to the basic rights owed to individuals by states and consisting of civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights of a particularly high intensity1, human rights law is unique in international law in its emphasis on the individual. The obligation is owed not to the national government but to the individual who is increasingly granted access to tribunals, domestic, regional and international, for the enforcement of these rights. The international community now has legitimate concern for the treatment of the individual and the latter is no longer under the exclusive domestic jurisdiction. According to David Little, "Human rights are the basic rights and freedoms to which all humans are considered entitled: the right to life, liberty, freedom of thought and expression, and equal treatment before the law, among others. These rights represent entitlements of the individual or groups vis--vis the government as well as responsibilities of the individual and the government authorities. Such rights are ascribed "naturally", which means that they are not earned and cannot be denied on the basis of race, creed, ethnicity or gender."2 International human rights law aims primarily to protect individuals and groups from abusive action by states and state agents.3 International human rights law treats the state as the principal threat to individual freedom and well-being.4 Some acts are so defined that they constitute human rights violations only if they are committed by state agents or in their conspiracy or complicity.5 There are some acts constituting human rights violations result to individual responsibility6 and other acts7 constituting crimes under international law. Human rights provides a universal paradigm of dignity for the human person. The 1966 International Covenants (1. On civil and political rights, 2. On economic, social and cultural rights 3. On collective rights)8 provided international standards which allow for cultural and religious diversity. The three instruments adopted by the General Assembly on
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Antibody mediated hypersensitivity is clinically more significant that Essay
Antibody mediated hypersensitivity is clinically more significant that cell mediated hypersensitivity. Discuss - Essay Example Immune system was initially separated in two branches. These were cellular immunity and the humoral immunity. The protective immunization function is found within the humor, serum or the cell-free body fluid, while the protective functions of the immunization was based in cellular immunity. The helper cells or the CD$ cells give protection against many pathogens. The Cytotoxic T cells lead to death through apoptosis without the use of cytokines, thus for the cell mediated immunity cytokines might fail to be present. Anabolic steroids are made up of some performance- enhancement drugs. These drugs do the mimicking of the testosterone inside the body and, therefore, facilitate performance by enlarging the muscle cells. These drugs if used inappropriately or at high doses or without supervisor they may cause irrational and erratic behavior and a wide range of adverse effects. Performance-enhancing drugs are used by bodybuilders, and by people of different age, right from middle-school to college students and old athletes. Anabolic steroids increase the protein production hence creating building blocks for bones, muscle cells, and body tissues. The main, side effects of the anabolic steroids is the androgenic effect, and its effect in damaging the liver (Benjamin 3). Androgenic response increases the male features like secondary characteristics, which normally come, up due to androgenic steroids. Medical indications in this case are due to inadequate production of testosterone within the body. The liver damage on the other side is influenced by the direct effect of oral steroids that gives the liver a hard time to metabolize. For many years, wise physicians have come to the realization that many human diseases could be understood as pathophysiology or a disordered physiology. In medicine, pathophysiology is one of the branches
Sunday, November 17, 2019
The two pairs of lovers in Much Ado about Nothing Essay Example for Free
The two pairs of lovers in Much Ado about Nothing Essay Much Ado About Nothing, written in 1598 and set in Messina (Sicily) is one of Shakespeares comedies which addresses some very serious social and cultural issues inherent in Renaissance (Elizabethan) society. The play focuses on the relationships and attitudes to marriage of two couples; the mature Beatrice and Benedick and the much younger Hero and Claudio. The couples are of noble rank. Benedick and Claudio are brother officers and noblemen, Lords of Padua and Florence respectively. Benedick is a mature and experienced man in his thirties whilst Claudio is barely out of his teenage years. Hero is the young and innocent daughter of Leonato the Governor of Messina, in whose villa the play is set, whilst Beatrice, his ward and niece is much older. Both couples are in search of love, for Hero and Claudio Shakespeare makes this very explicit whilst that of Beatrice and Benedick is rather more implicit. Firstly, the relationship between Claudio and Hero, both young, naà ¯Ã ¿Ã ½ve and impressionable individuals. Claudio is so infatuated with Hero at first sight that he immediately falls in love and wants to marry her. However he is shy and unsure of his own desires, he constantly seeks praise and reassurance from others and trusts Don Pedro to act as a kind of go between to help him secure Heros love. Hero a beautiful and demure young heroine is portrayed as a faithful and dutiful daughter obedient to her fathers wishes and lacking in independence; indeed she is on the receiving end of Claudios romantic speeches during Act 1 and says absolutely nothing in return. Claudio speaks convincingly of his love in verse. Their attitudes to marriage are somewhat different. For Claudio marriage is a financial matter as wealthy young women came with substantial dowries thus enabling a gentleman to provide a suitable lifestyle for his future family. A man was required to marry a woman of equal social standing. As Hero was the only child of Leonato, Claudio was also desirous of an additional sum by way of an added inheritance. Hero like most young noblewomen at that time was eager to please and simply wanted to secure a husband of equal or better social standing than themselves. Claudio being a Lord of Florence fitted the bill perfectly, being handsome and dashing was just a bonus. A womans job was primarily to run the household and produce male heirs to inherit their husbands title and fortune. As a conventional and dutiful daughter she was prepared to accept her fathers choice of partner. Here Shakespeare is alluding to the stereotypical young noble woman of the time when arranged marriages were accepted as the norm in upper class society. This scenario would appeal to contemporary audiences composed largely of working people who had paid a small sum to be entertained each afternoon. They would have enjoyed watching such upper class antics as a kind of the escapism from their rather dull and dreary lives. Indeed traditional love stories such as this had proved popular with audiences before in plays such as Romeo and Juliet. A modern audience maybe frustrated by Heros actions because today the sanctity of marriage is not as well respected and most people embrace the notion of sexual equality. Despite their apparent naivety, both Hero and Claudio have more complex sides to their characters which are reflected in their actions during the play. Claudio shows extreme jealousy when informed of Heros treachary in Act four. He is vengeful, jealous and impetuous as he immediately rejects Hero, refusing to marry her without even discussing the matter and calling her a rotten orange. Hero does nothing to defend herself when accused of this infidelity and accepts the scorn of others including her own father Leonato who rejects her immediately without question. Such actions illustrate the double standard regarding sexual relationships that existed in Renaissance times. Women were expected to maintain their purity and enter marriage as virgins, not to be so was regarded as a cardinal sin and would bring utter disgrace not only to herself but to her entire family who ran the risk of being permanently outcast from upper class society. This illustrates how vulnerable women in Renaissance times were to accusations of bad treatment. Claudio had to shun Hero in order to maintain his honour as an officer and a gentleman, being engaged to a loose woman would bring nothing but shame. Confidence is shown in Act four when Claudio willingly agrees to participate in a plot to bring Beatrice and Benedick together. However later in the play he is remorceful as he agrees without question to marry Leonatos niece. Depite her innocence and vulnerability Hero is sexually aware as she plots with Ursula to convince Beatrice that Benedick loves her. Nevertheless Hero often responds to a situations initiated by others; when she agrees with the Friars plan to win back Claudio and pretends to die, the deceitful nature of her character is revealed. Whilst Hero and Claudio represent the Elizabethan norm in marriage, the relationship between Beatrice and Benedick is more profound and less conventional for the time. At the start they play down and are cynical about the subject of love and marriage. Both characters are talkative, outspoken and full of wit; they hide their feelings for one another by engaging in a merry war (1. i. 56 ) of verbal sparring. This is illustrated in the first scene when Benedick says of Beatrice: Benedick: Well, you are a rare parrot-teacher. Beatrice: A bird of my tongue is better than a beast of yours. Benedick : I would my horse have the speed of your tongue, (1. i. 128-130) Benedick a mature and worldly wise character cannot make up his mind about marriage and privately believes he is unsuitable. His words are whilst witty are often shallow and destructive illustrated in the final line of the quote above Beatrice on the other hand a very clever, independent, strong and feisty female who is suspicious of men, scorns the institution of marriage, rejects men and rebels against the unequal status of women. In Act 4 she says O that I were a man for his sake! Or that I had any friend would be a man for my sake! I cannot be a man with wishing, therefore I die a woman with grieving(1V. i. 321-31) She defends at all costs her spinsterhood, being jealous of Hero she is afraid of becoming an old maid and remaining the dependent niece of Leonato. Beatrice is clearly unhappy with her current status in society. Whilst a modern emancipated audience would easily be able to identify with Beatrices complaints, a Shakespearean one would find her character both fascinating and outrageous. Nevertheless this controversial story line would add spice to the play and foster discussion and audience participation, thus making it an enjoyable and entertaining experience. In vowing never to marry, Benedick sets himself up for a fall, openly he is full of bravado for example when he opens up to Don Pedro; he constantly performs to the audience and other characters, by exaggerating everything. In Act 2 Scene he begs Don Pedro to send him away when Beatrice enters Will your grace command me any service to the worlds end ? I will go on the slightest errand now to the Antipodes. I will fetch a toothpicker now from the furthest inch of Asia; bring you the length of Prester Johns foot; fetch you a hair off the Great Chams beard; .. rather than hold three words conference with this harpy. ( 11. i. 246-254) When he hears that Beatrice is in love with him he promises to love her better, however he hides his deeper emotions until the latter stages of the play when he falls victim to a deception. He is totally unaware of the plot by Claudio and Don Pedro to bring Beatrice and himself together and believes every word he overhears in the garden during the second act. Similarly Beatrice is also unaware of Hero and Ursulas deception indicating the couples general gullibility. Like Claudio Benedick has a deeper side to his character such as when he agrees to Beatrices request to kill Claudio after he jilted Hero. As far as language is concerned Shakespeare uses both verse and prose. He uses verse to characterise Claudio and Hero and express deep emotion to make it sound convincing, a regular and rhythmic pattern is used. This is illustrated in the last scene when Claudio finally marries Hero: Claudio: Give me your hand before this holy friar. I am your husband if you like of me. Hero : And when I Livd , I was you other wife; And when you lovd , you were my other husband. ( V, iv, 58-61) Prose is chosen to represent the more serious interaction between Beatrice and Benedick. It is also more accessible to a largely uneducated audience who might have difficulty understanding the more complicated verse. Shakespeare also uses language to differentiate between the social classes. Noble well to do characters speak in flamboyant fancy language indicative of their importance and education whilst common barely educated characters such as Dogberry and Borachio speak in plane and simple and often inaccurate terms. For example Dogberry often gets his words completely wrong and makes ridiculous mistakes. In Act 3 Scene 3 he says Why, then, depart in peace, and let the child wake her with crying; for ewe that will not hear her lamb when it baes will never answer a calf when he bleats. (3.3.74 76). In conclusion the play illustrates a kind or irony. The young passionate relationship between Hero and Claudio based on shallow first appearances deepens. As Claudio matures he begins to appreciate Hero as a real person when he realises her innocence and finally marries her. Beatrice and Benedicks innate love is cemented, when in the final scene, they begin to realise the game they have been playing and see each other for who they really are. Benedick finally silences Beatrice with a kiss, and thus like all Shakespeares comedies the play ends in marriage between the two couples, allowing his audience to return home satisfied and in good spirit. BIBILOGRAPHY 1. Much Ado About Nothing William Shakespeare Arden (2001) 2. Much Ado About Nothing Film starring Emma Thompson and Kenneth Brannagh. 3. Much Ado About Nothing York Notes (1980) 4. Much Ado About Nothing Spark Notes 5. Internet www.gcseguide.co.uk
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Teaching Children Respect Essay -- essays research papers
Teaching Children Respect Americans has placed too much responsibility on schools and teachers. Parents need to take command of the moral development of their children, starting with the issue of respect. Respect starts at an early age. You teach a child to say thank you, no thank you, and please. These are normal and common first steps to respect and are considered being manner able. Most parents expect there children to use these courteous phrases to them, their selves, the parent. Teachers and schools should not have to be responsible for teaching your child manners, common courtesy, nor respect. It is hard enough for teachers to maintain a learning curriculum on general studies let alone moral, ethics and values. Teachers must deal with these different personalities and attitudes everyday and it is quiet stressful. This type of behavior should be confronted at home before the child is of age to go to school and maintained throughout. The Parents should start demonstrating these ethics, morals, and values, by showing respect those around them, whether it is family, friends or neighbors. Here are a few comments from actual teachers from different background and different states, they have been directly quoted from the book ââ¬Å"I am a Teacherâ⬠Marquis, Sachs (1991). Here is what they have to say about ââ¬Å"Respectâ⬠and the role of a teacher: ââ¬Å"I am tough as nails. But they know I love themâ⬠¦They donââ¬â¢t have to love me, but they do have to respect me. And have to respect themselves. They have to learn something that they cam take with them because they canââ¬â¢t take me with them, and they canââ¬â¢t take mom with them and they canââ¬â¢t take the neighbor with them. They can only take whatââ¬â¢s inside their head. (Johanna Brown, M... ...ingle mother working two jobs, yet I always managed to try and teach my children to have respect for themselves and others. The teachers and school system can only support you and your child throughout their learning experience. Also, as a last note donââ¬â¢t leave it up to the daycare or babysitter to raise your child and teach morals, ethics, values and most of all respect. References Griffin, G. M.D. (1999). It takes a parent to raise a child. (pp. 82, 99-101) New York, Golden Books Publishing [Book] Marshall Marquis, D., Sachs, R. (1991) I am a teacher. (pp.24, 51, 115) (First Fireside Addition) New York, Simon & Schuster Publishing [Book] Baldrige, L. (1997) Lithia Baldrigeââ¬â¢s More than manners: Raising kids to have kind manners and good hearts. (pp.67) Library of Congress Cataloging-In- Publication New York, Simon & Schuster Publishing [Book]
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Racial Preference Essay
In this article, Whites Swim in Racial Preference, Tim Wise discusses the racial inequality in our society. As a whole, we want to believe that our culture is fair and just in racial terms. We would like to believe racial preference is a thing of the past, however, it is very much current. Discrimination has existed for decades but I believe that African-Americans got the bitter end of the stick. In the 1960ââ¬â¢s, black people got treated like they werenââ¬â¢t even human beings. ââ¬Å"A full time black male worker in 2003 makes less in real dollar terms than similar white men were earning in 1967.â⬠(Wise, 2003) Obviously, the racial preference has not faded so much as society would like to believe. African-Americans struggled when it came to trying to take care of their family and becoming a citizen. The inequality seemed as if it was becoming norm in the 60ââ¬â¢s. Blacks werenââ¬â¢t even given the chance to prove themselves, simply because their complexion was a little darker than whites. As stated in the article, whites have much more of an advantage when it comes to todayââ¬â¢s culture. Whites are given more opportunities in life, which in return leads them to be more successful. Tim Wise used the example of University of Michigan providing 20 additional points to students with low-income families regardless of race. Seems fair, right? It seems fair until you total it all up and in the end whites are the ones with more points. It isnââ¬â¢t even given a second thought because whites were raised to believe that their accomplishments are because of their actions and not because they grew up in a system that was set up for them to achieve in. Yes, Affirmative Action happened, but in the end it still benefitted whites more than any other race. Races such as Arabs and Muslims get looked down upon ever since 9/11 and that lessens their success in society. Blacks get perceived as dangerous and reckless. Whites still have the upper leg in many things in society such as politics and jobs.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Smith S Home Food
Solution for case: Smithââ¬â¢s Home Foods. Question One Smithââ¬â¢s Country Ham has been operating for 25 years in North Carolina in the wholesale food division, targeting restaurants and fast food chains. In order to increase turnover and therefore revenue, Smithââ¬â¢s decides to introduce a new product line: Smithââ¬â¢s Home Food. A product line containing 11 packages sold to households and including all kinds of foods: meat, vegetables, fruits etc. lasting for a period of 4 months. The prices of these packages range from $655 to $1532 ($1000 on average).These packages require a freezer and thus Smith provided the sale of freezers for customers that didnââ¬â¢t own any. Also, it is highly important to mention that Smith gave all its customers the possibility of financing all of its goods; packages and freezers. Through this new division, Smith is not only selling food and freezers; it is actually providing its customers with high convenience! Buyers no longer have to run to the market to get any kind of foods, as Smith includes everything in the packages.Also, since they will be buying in large quantities they will be benefiting from lower prices, and will escape any rise in market prices during this 4 months duration. Question Two As for problems for this strategy, I think Smithââ¬â¢s should reconsider its sources for advertising in order to acquire higher profile customers that are more eligible for its financing options. It should also extend its product mix to include other packages with different duration (more and less than 4 months). Question Three P=$1000 COGS= 48%= $480 Delivery Charge= $30 Commission Cost= $125AVC= CPGS + Delivery + Commission= 480+30+125= $635 UCM= 1000-635= $365 Break even: Revenue= Total Cost Revenue= 1000 x Q Total Cost= TFC + TVC= (57,000/3) + AVC x Q (we divide 57,000 by 3 to get fixed cost for 4 months) 1000xQ= 19,000 + 635 x Q 365Q=19000 Q= 19000/365 Q=52 To break even, Smithââ¬â¢s must sell 52 packages e ach 4 month. Executive Summary; Smithââ¬â¢s Country Hams, a 25-year-old family business that focuses on wholesale meat products such a ham, bocon, and other pork products, sell to restaurants and fast-food operations in eastern North Carolina.Smithââ¬â¢s family business has a service that provides home-delivered meats, vegetables, and fruits should be in considerable demand and providing new sales for its business. Smithââ¬â¢s Home Foods is going to be the way of the dogs. The current marketing environment would allude to this company has the potential to be market nicher and local geographic market leader with a high share of the market and high growth. Meanwhile, his business is getting an excessive minimal share and less than minimal growth. The company is supposed to bring a new vision for its marketing mix.Company should spend much performance in dynamic marketing communication strategy and an effective advertising budget to protect further loss of revenue. Purchasing food through a home food service saves consumers money. Because consumers buy in large quantities, they receive lower prices, and they escape any price increase that occur during the four month period covered by their food package. Making fewer trips to the store also helps customers avoid expensive impulse purchases. Current Marketing Situation;Smith Home foods has employed a product concept approach to business that would suggest that company believes consumers will favor products that offer the most quality, performance and that the company ought to engage its energy to making continuous improvements in the product. Smith Home Foods uses two important marketing techniques. a) Mass marketing techniques-mass producing, mass distributing, and mass promoting about the same product in about the same way to all consumers. b) Personal techniques by the Smithââ¬â¢s family business force the purpose of making sales and building customer relationship.The company locationââ¬â¢s makes it the geographic market leader in the business with virtually no competition. The psychographics segmentation of target market would suggest that customers seeking this product a busy in their careers or social activities and interested in all types of time saving opportunities. Strengths, Weaknesses Threats and Opportunity Analyses; The company is the corporationââ¬â¢s question mark performer and has the potential of becoming a star performer given the limited competition in the market.The company has the advantage of the parent corporationââ¬â¢s 25-year-old positive reputation as a local family owned business known for the quality of their products. The strategy of the companyââ¬â¢s in the market involving a poor marketing mix strategy, a poor integrated marketing communication strategic plan and service strategy with no experience. There is no evidence of feedback mechanism to insure customer satisfaction or to encourage company loyalty through sustained company-custome r relationships.Company has no local competition and the company has an opportunity to establish itself as the market leader nicher for the product that is offering. Threats to company are also numerous. Business can damage the reputation of the parent corp. The company has too much financial liability for contrasts that are not honored by customers. Objectives and Issues; The company does not have a sure mission and is engaged in the wrong type of marketing philosophy. The company need develop a mission. The company does not have a power evidence information system. This is virtually taking shots n the dark and hoping to hits something. The company has to create developing a research plan as soon as possible. In the light of target market, The Company has a poor knowledge. The company is supposed to engage in effective market targeting by selecting market segments and to insure a competitive advantage. Sales management is not well developed. The company should develop a system for recruiting, selecting, training, supervising and evaluating the sales team. Questions and Answers; 1-à à à à à Outline Smithââ¬â¢s Home Foods` marketing strategy. What is Smithââ¬â¢s Home Food really selling?The companyââ¬â¢s cash cow product is pork that are produced and sold wholesale to restaurants and fast food operations throughout eastern North Carolina. The company has a small sales force that is engaged in apparently one time, face to face selling of product and services written agreements but limited activity regarding customer relationship building. The company engaged in product bundle pricing by including products form external sources to make their service more appealing and convenient the potential new market segment. The additional products include other brand-name food products as well as freezers in which to store the frozen goods. ââ¬âà à à à à What problems, if any, do you see with each element of the strategy? Firs of all, The C ompany have not a power sure mission or any information that would suggest there was a formal setting of goals and objectives by the company. Second, there is no indication that any marketing research was conducted to either identify the need or the target segment of population. 3-à à à à à According to diagram and the amount of package number, to buy 11 Food, 13 pounds per week, 4-5 minimum freezer size , 4-5 Family size is the price of 958.These amounts are more convenient that the others for the company foods packages. 4-à à à à à Based your analysis, what steps would you recommend that Christy take improve her marketing strategy and Smithââ¬â¢s performance? First, Christy is supposed to re-evaluate the needs, wants and demands of those members with buying power in the companyââ¬â¢s geographic area of service delivery. This contribute the company with more a factual evaluation of whether or not the product she is making has a true growth potential. The company should modify and develop and advertising strategy to using the right
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Cross Cultural Studies Essays - Cultural Geography, Free Essays
Cross Cultural Studies Essays - Cultural Geography, Free Essays Cross Cultural Studies Question: What is the value of making cross-cultural comparisons? (Miller, Pg#11: 1999) Cultural anthropology encompasses all aspects of human beliefs, behaviors and ideas. What would the world be like without any knowledge of other cultures? Anthropologists study different cultures to be more understanding and accepting, more appreciative and to enrich our own culture. What is the real problem with the Ku Klux Klan? Perhaps, if they took the time to understand the African-American and Jewish cultures, for example, they would be more accepting of the diversity. Hundreds of years of cultural imperialism has evolved into a legion of hate. Emic studies put the researcher in the middle of the culture, free to interact and discover a new life style. After a few months or even a year in a different culture, one has a better understanding of the lifestyle, and understanding leads to acceptance. Once people, especially powerful political leaders, learn cultural relativism war will be a practice of the past and only discussed in history classes. Another reason for cross-cultural comparison is to make us more appreciative of our own culture and environment. For example, members of the Peace Corp volunteer months to years of their lives to live and help in third world countries. They may not be there with the purpose of studying culture, however, living among the people and having to adapt to their way of life gives them a first-hand experience of a third world life. Seeing the way life is without any luxuries make us realize how convenient our lives are. Plentiful amounts of food, clean water, stable shelter and adequate clothing are just a few of the many luxuries that our culture sees as essentials. Many volunteers return from the Peace Corp and adopt a new way of life; much less extravagant than the one they led before. Finally, we study other cultures to enrich our own. Where would Canadian culture be without the influence of the French, Italian, Chinese, and all the other cultures that form the cultural mosaic that defines Canada? Without the mixture of cultures in our country, we would still be eating meat and potatoes for every meal. The cultural blend that has come together to make up Canada, but yet retain their own individualities, work together to make a hybrid culture created from the best of all that are combined. In conclusion, we see that without cross-cultural comparisons life would be boring and monotonous. Learning about other cultures makes us more understanding, accepting, and appreciative of the diversity. No more war, no more racism and no more ethnic cleansing once ethnocentrism and cultural imperialism are abolished. Cultural diversity is the spice of life.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Make Spanish Your Browser Preference
Make Spanish Your Browser Preference Are there are some websites that are made in more than one language. Is there a way you can make them automatically appear in Spanish rather than English when you go to them? How to Set up Your Browser to a Spanish Default It is usually fairly easy, especially if your system is less than three or four years old. Here are the methods you can use with the most popular browsers. All of these have been tested with Microsoft Windows 7 and/or the Maverick Meerkat (10.10) Ubuntu distribution of Linux. Approaches here are likely to be similar with earlier versions of the software or with other operating systems: Microsoft Internet Explorer: Select the Tools menu on the upper-right of the page. Under the General tab, click on the Languages button near the bottom. Add Spanish, and move it to the top of the list. Mozilla Firefox: Click on Edit near the top of the screen and select Preferences. Select Content from the menu, then pick Choose next to Languages. Add Spanish and move it to the top of the list. Google Chrome: Click on the tools icon (a wrench) on the upper-right of the page, then select Preferences. Select the Under the Hood tab, then Change font and language settings under Web Content. Select the Languages tab, then add Spanish to the list and move it to the top. Apple Safari: Safari is designed to use the language that the operating system has as its preference, so to change the browsers preferred language you end up changing the language of your computer menus and possibly the menus of other applications as well. An explanation of this is beyond the scope of this article; various hacks of Safari also are possible. Opera: Click on the Tools menu and then Preferences. Then go to Select your preferred language at the bottom of the General tab. Add Spanish to the list and move it to the top. Other browsers: If youre using a browser not listed above on a desktop system, you generally can find a language setting by selecting Preferences and/or Tools. Mobile browsers, however, generally rely on the system settings, and you may not be able to change the preferred language of the browser without also changing the preferred language of your entire system. Try Your Preferences To see if your change in language preferences has worked, simply go to a site that offers content in multiple languages based on browser settings. Popular ones include the Google and Bing search engines. If your changes worked, the home page (and search results if youre testing on a search engine) should appear in Spanish. Note that this change works only with sites that recognize your browser configuration and act accordingly. For other multilanguage sites, which usually display in English or the main language of the home country by default, youll have to pick the Spanish-language version from the menus on the site.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Bsiness statistic assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Bsiness statistic - Assignment Example For example, when the factors that are contributing most to the overhead costs are known, it becomes easy to control such costs. This report will involve analysis of different variables that are believed to affect overhead costs, including number of setups, machines hours and labour hours. Some of the methods of analysis that will be used include descriptive statistics, regression analysis, and use of histograms and graphs. Section A - characteristics of all the variables Calculating measures of location (averages) and dispersion (variation) N Mean Std. Deviation Variance Overhead costs 24 172.79 17.939 321.824 Direct Labour hours 24 1134.67 64.629 4176.928 Machine hours 24 1402.58 213.135 45426.514 No. of setups 24 201.42 13.990 195.732 Valid N (listwise) 24 Table 2: descriptive statistics (averages and variation) Using all 24 monthsââ¬â¢ data to construct a frequency distribution and histogram for the machine hours Machine Hours Frequency 1000 0 1100 5 1100 0 1200 1 1200 0 1300 2 1300 0 1400 4 1500 3 1600 6 1700 2 1800 1 Table 2: Frequency Distribution Table Figure 1: Histogram for the machine hours Estimating the median and other descriptive statistics for the machine hours Column1 Mean 1402.583 Standard Error 43.50599 Median 1428 Mode 1300 Standard Deviation 213.135 Sample Variance 45426.51 Kurtosis -0.97697 Skewness -0.22011 Range 710 Minimum 1060 Maximum 1770 Sum 33662 Count 24 Table 3: Median and Other Descriptive Statistics for machine hrs A brief Report Determination of descriptive statistics is very essential in decision-making regarding cost. Among the four variables, the highest level of dispersion was reported in machine hours, as shown by the standard deviation and variance, implying that use of machines is likely to significantly affect variations in overhead cost. Number of set ups have the least dispersion, possibly meaning that this variable may not significantly cause cost variation (Table 2). Table 2 shows the grouped frequency histogram for the machine hours, where it is evident that most of the hours lie between 1001 to 1100 and 1501 to1600. The shape of the histogram exhibits a bimodal distribution or rather it has two peaks. This is a problem that results from stratification and it means that the data could have originated from two different sources. It is, therefore, important to identify these sources and analyse the data separately if appropriate. Figure 3 shows the descriptive statistics for the machine hours. The minimum and the maximum values are very useful in quickly identifying the range between which hours fall, which in this case is 1060(min) and 1770(max). The standard error gives the extent to which the distribution is exposed to sample error, which in this case amounts to 43.5 (Mann, 1995). Section B Graphs and analysis of the linear relationships in the variables related to the overhead costs. Figure 2: OH costs vs. direct labour hours Figure 2: Overheads costs are directly related to the direct l abour hours, which means that an increase in direct labour hours leads to an increase in overhead costs. The equation y=2.5352x +
Friday, November 1, 2019
Ideological Criticism on Documentary film Catfish Research Paper
Ideological Criticism on Documentary film Catfish - Research Paper Example As the story unfolds, one is able to find that the profile used is fake and the reality which is found by the end of the story is evident (Joost, Schulman, 2010). This particular artifact defines the controversies surrounding the trends on Facebook and the complexities which are associated with the cultural and societal beliefs with Facebook. The documentary becomes a reflection of the culture and the current questions that are associated with building an online reputation. This paper contends that the acceleration and pervasiveness of technology has led to a system of mis-communication in which a cultural climate based on deception and dependency has manifested itself. However, the documentary isnââ¬â¢t important to explore only because of the complexities now in society with technology. The debates about the reality of this documentary as well as whether it is an artifact used only to idolize todayââ¬â¢s trends further show that the cultural climate is growing into one based on technologies and the false representations associated with this. Catfish and Portrayals from Technology The concept of ââ¬Å"Catfishâ⬠is one which can first be explored through the concepts of online interaction and the way in which individuals portray themselves within the world. Whether this documentary holds truth or not, there are questions related to the strong response from society. A response which is noted by most reviewing the film is that the interaction between the two having the relationship over Facebook seems genuine. This is important to note as it creates a commentary about society and how the social participation is now leading into a world where technology and factors based on relationships through the computer are accepted and acted upon continuously. The relationship is essential to understanding the power of social networks as well as the belief in connection which is created when using technology (Geoghegan, 2011). The amount of time spent in the film with the long distance relationship without the meeting is one which is acceptable and which most would apply as applicable to the way in which most relate to technology in the present day (Kirk, 2010). Another exploration about the use of Facebook and the social participation occurring is based on the ease of use with most, specifically with using and manipulating technology. The woman who is able to change her appearance, demeanor and the persona which she carries is consistent through the entire movie, even though it becomes fake. What is as important is with the capturing of the film. When speaking with the film makers, they state first that there was never intention to make this into a film; however, the diary of events was easy to record and keep consistent. When things started to turn was when the filming was able to become a main part of the documentary. This shows that the combination of social interactions and technology is continuing to emerge with a natural culture whic h is based on the simple to use and growing technology as a component of the culture (Mullen, 2010). The simplistic use of technology and the application used for social interactions is not only growing because of the ideas of culture and the ability to create a change in lifestyle from simple technology. Another important component is the establishment of technology and social interactions as an element of popular culture, as opposed to being a marginalized group of individuals
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